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考官:How will you introduce Taiwan to a First time traveler?



Taiwan is a small island located in the Far East corner of Pacific Ocean. It’s slightly smaller in size than Netherland or Switzerland. In the Age of Exploration, it was name Ilha Formosa, beautiful island.


It’s a small island, again, but it’s a perfect place for Theme travelers. If you are into outdoor adventures, which is my favorite, there are more than 200 peaks that are higher than 3000 m. The mountain range is not only marked as the height, but they contain lush and beautiful wild lives. Since Taiwan has an isolated environment, there are many many endemic species can only be found in Taiwan. Only for bird, we have more 70 endemic species. And the coast and beaches, you can do rock climbing, snookering, diving, ocean kayaking and surfing. Lots to choose from. Well, we mentioned Netherland, you don’t go mountaineering there. And remember Switzerland? You just definitely can’t go surfing there.

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